That Summer She Lived in a Shoe
Kathleen Serocki
in black strappy stilettos
she teeters
atop AmalfiĀ“s dizzying heights
but on his arm
things never looked so azure
wild or right
in a town dangling over the sea
there was really no place for her feet
which shoes shall she wear tonight?
she tries navy slings
ultimately wears white
for going dancing
dancing on toes
following wherever love goes
boats and castles moored in air
Portofino by night
traipsing promontories
outlined in glimmering footlights
everything doubles in the sea her pocket mirror
she walks in Roman sandals tinkling coins
down to the beach
each turquoise moment of summer
within his arms reach
sea and sky a set of tossed blue satin sheets
he mailed her a pair
for each cold month apart
Valentino red ones were the first
in a box with his heart
she still has the pair made right from her feet
she picked pink leather
even the cobbler agreed
love is afoot